My Daily Practice for
Practical Yoga, Meditation, and Self-Study
Daily Meditation and Breath Consideration are part of a healthy and strong life and necessary means of cultivating compassion and kindness.
02. Goals/Reflection
Spiritual Diary is essential in any practice of reflection and self-inquiry, as a means to subdue the ego.
03. Yamas/Niyamas
Ahimsa Non-Violence, Freedom from Harming
Satya Truthfulness
Asteya Non-Stealing, Freedom from Stealing
Brahmacharya Moderation
Aparigraha Non-Hoarding, Freedom from Grasping
Saucha Cleanliness
Santosha Contentment
Tapas Self Discipline
Svadhyaya Self Study
Isvara-pranidhana Surrender
04. Cultivating Grace
You are never alone.
When by the flood of your tears, the inner and the outer have fused into One, you will find Her whom you sought with such anguish, nearer than the nearest, the very breath of life, the very core of every heart. ~Anandamayi Ma