


How can we work together?


Although, I’ve been classically trained in mantra, chanting, and mindfulness meditation, the most important writing, research, or teachings on meditation will never take the place of the meditating itself.

Meditating is simple, theory matters less than the act of dropping down into our bodies and focusing the mind on the breath. This is the key to all meditation. How can we incorporate being a meditator into our daily lives? How can we create the environment in our everyday lives to make meditation become natural? These are the driving questions in all of the teachings and learning opportunities presented.

“Concentration and meditation are the royal roads to perfection. Concentration leads to meditation. Fix the mind on one object either within the body or without. Keep it there steadily for some time. This is concentration. You will have to practice this daily. Purify the mind first through the practice of right conduct and then take to the practice of concentration.

Concentration without purity of mind is of no avail.”

~Swami Sivananda

My classes will touch on different techniques to employ as you take a moment to detach and come to the quiet of the Self, over and over. Classes emphasize techniques as well as practical means for creating a daily practice in the most convenient way for you. Compassion for self and community requires that we study and share.

Please get in touch for private consultation.


Ready to start a meditation practice?